September 22, 2014

Knitted Cactus Garden Pattern by Me!

Just popping back because I have something exciting to share!

I just created my first knitting pattern ever, this pretty dang fun Knitted Cactus Garden. And I even published it on the whopping big needlecrafting community site, Ravelry.

It was so much fun creating this project, and then designing the pattern (with lots of photos and real knitting lingo like "k1 p2")...if I ever actually sell it to someone, that will be icing on the cake!

The pattern is a mere $2.99 in my newly opened, one pattern Ravelry shop here.

August 6, 2014

Hail and...farewell?

It's been a whole year since I posted last and I can't believe it, Blog! Well, I thought such an occasion warranted some kind of comment from me. Clearly I have been putting my efforts largely into other channels, those being of a craftier nature. See also:

My Deviant Art page:
and my Ravelry page:

There's been a lot of other things happening in my life, just as I'm sure our handful of beloved readers have had going on this past year. But to make a long story short, Blog, it was high time for me to check in, and possibly, out.

I want to keep this blog online because there's no telling whether I might want to post here again some day. But then again, I might not, and I hate to have no kind of closure here if that should be the case! So, as I move on toward bigger and better things, I just wanted to put a "so long" in here, and say thanks to Blog for being my good companion on this blog, and thanks to you out there for reading. And seeing as I am, personally, short and sweet, that is how I will keep this post.