May 25, 2010

Rock Band, Race Horse, Porn Star

Hey Blog, you and I both know the latest craze at Magic House aka chez us:  playing "Rock Band, Race Horse, Porn Star"!  Well, our own special version of that beloved game.  So let's teach the readers how to play!

You need two people, so grab your mate, a friend, or any handy anthropomorphized creature with a name like Blog here.  Decide which of you is Player 1 and which is Player 2.

Blog:  I'll be Player 1, Diana!

Cool, then I'll be Player 2.  For the first round, Player 1 thinks of a descriptive word, and Player 2 thinks of a noun.  Keep your ideas to yourselves until both of you are ready!  Then Player 1 says his word and Player 2 says hers.  The combination of words is either....wait for it....

Blog:  A rock band, race horse or porn star!

Exactly!  So the two of you discuss, which is more appropriate for the combination of words you thought up!  Okay, let's demonstrate.  Blog, think of your word and I'll think of mine.  I'm ready!

Blog:  Me too!

As Player 1, Blog speaks first.  Go ahead, Blog.

Blog:  "Turbo"!

And my word was "snack."  Together that makes "Turbo Snack."  So what do you think...rock band, race horse or porn star?

Blog:  Works dandy for a race horse.  Although pretty hilarious for a rock band.

I agree.  For a porn star...well, yikes, let's not even go there with a name like "Turbo Snack"!  Oy vay!  Anyway, see how fun?  Now you'll notice Blog kind of spun the game in favor of race horse by using a descriptive word that implies quickness.  Player 1 can also spin in favor of porn star, by choosing certain descriptive words.

Blog:  Like "creamy" or "concrete."

Fine examples, Blog.  Now imagine if Player 2 had picked "kiss" or "screwdriver."  So it really makes the game more fun if you just seize on the first word that comes to mind and go with that.  Let's try again.  For Round 2, Player 2 thinks of the descriptive word and Player 1 thinks of the noun.  I'm ready.  You ready, Blog?

Blog:  Ready!  I say "bitchin'" because that word was really funny last night on "The Big Bang Theory" when used in connection with the theory of relativity!

Love it, Blog!  And I say "igloo."  Which gives us "Bitchin' Igloo"!  What do you think?

Blog:  Obviously an awesome band name.  Let's try it out once.  "Say, is that great new song by Bitchin' Igloo, 'Love Harpoon,' out on iTunes yet?"

Works nicely, Blog!  And I daresay, Love Harpoon would be a decent porn star name too.  So, readers, see how fun Rock Band, Race Horse, Porn Star is?  Not only that, but it brings you and your loved ones closer together as you share in an activity you both enjoy.  Just another life enhancement offered to you by the blog. 

Now go forth and play, readers!  And if you and your friend come up with any good ones, be sure to post in the comments so we can all enjoy!


  1. What a delightful game! I'm totally stealing it to add to our repertoire of games to play while waiting in line or waiting for concerts to start. My sister and I usually play the "name game", in which one person says a name and the other has to reply with a name whose first letter of the first name is the same as the last name of the previous name. (i.e. Brendan Shanahan-> Steve Yzerman -> Yves Racine) and so on and so forth. The names can be actors, sports personalities, family members, fictional characters etc, so long as both people can recognize said names. It's quite fun and a great way to pass the time.

    Similarly, the same sister and I used to play the hockey player name game. One person would give the initials of a hockey player and the other had to guess who it was. You could give hints too but it was more fun to just guess.

    But I like this one! :) Thanks again for sharing!

  2. See, that's us, always striving to enhance every little corner of our readers' lives! LOL

  3. That is sooooo funny! I have to try that game!!

  4. Anonymous, you will find it endless amusement, Blog and I guarantee.
