August 1, 2010

National Dance Day, with sausages

Blog, yesterday was the first annual National Dance Day (sponsored by the folks at "So You Think You Can Dance').  By sheer coincidence I got to observe it in perfect fashion, with the dancers you see to the right, along with 1,800 others!

First, some back story on National Dance Day.  SYTYCD choreographers Tabitha and Napoleon Domo created a nice hip-hop routine and put it on YouTube.  People all over the world were encouraged to learn it, and dance it on July 31.  Or, in lieu of that, simply find your own unique way to celebrate dance.

I haven't gotten a full report on the success of the project yet, but here you can see Tabitha and Napoleon with faculty members of Coastal Dance Rage, joined by choreographers/SYTYCD judges Mia Michaels and Adam Shankman, leading a crowd yesterday at Los Angeles's Music Center in Downtown. Nice!

Awesome!  But back to how I got to celebrate the day, Blog.

It so happens that yesterday at beautiful Regner Park in the bustling berg of West Bend, Wisconsin (population 28,152), an attempt was made at breaking the world record for largest Thriller dance.  Davie and I were on hand to see the band that opened for the event (the awesome Dead Rock Stars).  We were so lucky to happen to be there for the thrilling Thriller event!

So, over 1,800 people turned out, young and old, many in costume, and did a bangup job on the dance.  And the gang broke the U.S. world record!  Sweet!  What a sight to see, Blog...all those people rocking out, cameras filming from atop a cherry picker, the maniacal laughter of Vincent Price drifting up into the trees...oh, and the five members of the famous Klement's Racing Sausages were there channeling Michael Jackson too!

Here's a video I took from the back of the crowd, catching the Sausages in rehearsal along with everyone else.

Oh, and if you're wondering how close it came to a WORLD record, not close.  That would be the 13,000 people in Mexico City in August 2009, shown here.  Yikes, that many would NOT have fit into the whole of West Bend!

So, did I do any dancing myself?  I'm happy to say I did.  Later in the afternoon we enjoyed a show by Milwaukee's inimitable Pat McCurdy, and joined in on the Sex and Beer Dance.  A classic.  "Sex and beer / sex and beer / are the two things we hold dear!"

In closing, I just have to share my favorite ever dance video, and if you are not among the 30 million views it has received, or simply need to enjoy it again for a belated National Dance Day observance, please watch.  It's "Where the Hell is Matt," in which (over the course of 14 months, Matt danced with a cast of thousands in 42 countries.

Best ever, Blog.  Happy dancing, everyone!


  1. Whoa - my sister and her family live in West Bend. I need to find out if some of them were there.

    BTW, my West Bend sis sent me the "Where the Hell is Matt?" video and I use it to work out. I know it's only 4 1/2 minutes but - hey - I'm 64! I call it my happy dance.

  2. How about that? Cool! Hey, working out for 4 1/2 minutes totally counts in my world.

  3. Diana, this is too cool! My sister wrote that three of my nieces were in the dance. Two were even on the news.

    She said they even had a Mariachi band with traditional dancing from Jalisco, Mexico. "It was really nice and of course I was thinking of you."

    She was thinking of me because I live near Guadalajara, Jalisco. You connected us over 2200 miles! And it all revolved around dance. I'm an ex-ballet dancer. How many coincidences is that? I lost count ;-)

  4. Holy crapolies, Eileen, that's downright magical!!! Wow! I'm SO glad I wrote this post...another one of those totally unexpected "justify your existence" moments. Thanks so much for letting me know what happened!
