March 10, 2010

Artist of [Undetermined Timeframe] #1: Graphic Novelist CC Rogers

Lookee, Blog, it’s the first in our series of posts featuring friends of mine who’ve discovered cool ways to express themselves creatively. We’re calling it “Artist of [Undetermined Timeframe]” (A.U.T.) because I’m not willing to commit to of the week or of the month or any other set thing. Flexibility is key, don’t you think, Blog?

And how inspiring this is going to be? Yay!

A.U.T. #1 is my pal and collaborator, CC Rogers. CC introduced herself to me two years ago, when she sent me an email expressing her fandom of my romance books, including a piece of fan art. It was based on a short story of mine and wow, blog--I couldn’t believe how well it captured what had theretofore been only in my own head!

We became fast friends and together got to try what you know was a personal aspiration of mine: the creation of comics. We started with this two page excerpt illustrating a scene from my short story “As Commonplace as Rain”:

And then we worked together on a small comic book called Sign of the Bloodletters, part of my Bloodchained vampire romance series of books. Even though it’s offered free online, it amazes me how many people have bought the print version. Well, not really...the thing is awesome-looking.

CC’s current project is a full-length graphic novel work called Rune. She’s making amazing progress on it, too. Below is a favorite panel of mine, and you can peruse all the completed pages HERE.

CC does her work using 3D modeling software called DAZ 3D. When I tried dabbling in it, I discovered just how amazing it is, and how daunting! Using it is tough, Blog, and requires both practice and significant artistic talent. CC also augments her use of DAZ with Photoshop to make her work even more customized. I could never do what she does, even with the help of software magic. DAZ saves time but doesn’t take the place of talent.

And let’s not fail to mention she’s writing Rune herself! Wow.

Seeing as I haven’t got the skill to do a graphic novel myself, Blog, I’m definitely living vicariously through CC. I hope we can collaborate again some day, but in the meantime, we have a blast supporting each other’s creative lives.

Which, as you well know, Blog, is what our Artist of [Undetermined Timeframe] is all about!


  1. Very cool artwork and love the fact that CC is doing a graphic novel. That's a dream of mine too. What a talented gal CC is and so fabulous that you two were able to collaborate. Keep up the great work, CC!

  2. It was really a dream come true, Cherie. It's really nice when creative types can help each other out with augmenting our skills in ways like this.

  3. Thank you so much, Cherie! I'm having such fun with my graphic novel; if you want to do one, I highly recommend just going for it!

    Diana, thanks for the feature! And for all the advice and encouragement that got me to start the Rune graphic novel. And for collaborating with me on "Sign of the Bloodletters" and the "As Commonplace As Rain" excerpt. And for sharing your characters and worlds through your outstanding writing! (You're my favorite choice for bedtime relaxation reading. I've probably re-read some of your short stories a dozen times by now!) And for introducing me to your vampire friends, and for your highly entertaining blogs, and... oh, I could just go on forever! Thanks for everything!

  4. Oh, you're killing me here, you sweetheart you! :-D Let's face it, we are just really good for each other!
