April 14, 2010

Looking for my TV Soulmate

Blog, I admit I watch a ridiculous amount of TV. But I do it, of course, out of duty as a cultural chronicler and arbiter of pop culture. Chah, right. Anyway, I’m just curious if there’s anyone out there in Internetland who has exactly the same taste I do and watches the same approximately 39 TV programs.

Why are you chortling, Blog? Like you don’t watch AT LEAST 39 shows yourself! And besides, sporting events are included in there too.

Well, I’m determined to find the answer to my quest, so I created a nifty ONLINE SURVEY, yes, that’s the link there, so that readers can see how they score. I think it will also be interesting to find out which of my shows are the most popular with our readership and which have managed to go largely unnoticed even though they are awesome enough to be watched by me.

There’s a place in the survey to put a name or nickname, so that I can announce my TV Soulmate in a future blog post. So use a name you’re not embarrassed to see publicized, peeps! Is there a prize? Well.…maybe. I’ll think about it. It may be worth a bribe to find my TV Soulmate.

How long do you have to participate? Just as long as it takes me to get enough survey-takers that I’m not embarrassed by the low number. So waste no time, click today! And pass along the link of this post to your friends, coworkers, family members and pets. I know my TV Soulmate is out there somewhere.

No, Blog, I don’t think it can be Prof. Snowcaps. He never watches the Food Network because he think he knows everything culinary, just because of that Ph.D. in Home Economics that he has. Pffft.


  1. I'm most definitely NOT your TV Soul Mate...darn. Might you be doing other "Soul Mate Polls" in the future where I might get closer to "soulmatehood" con tigo?? Heh. Also, how do I see the "TV Soul Mate" results - did I miss them? I probably did - they're probably right in front of my soul-less face... :0

  2. There isn't any way to see the results, RAbecca, so no, they are not right in front of your face. I'll be reporting the results in a future post. But don't be so sad! I'm sure I can arrange with Blog to do another Soulmate survey in future. TV is not my ENTIRE world...LOL

  3. I am not your tv-soulmate, though I feel that in other ways we are the total same wavelength.

    But that's my own fault because I barely watch t.v. that isn't Sabres Hockey (or random other hockey, a la playoffs- which is why I chose Blackhawks hockey- because if it were more available, I would certainly watch the 'Hawks. I'm have a very-well publicized (in my own blog at least) illicit love affair with the Blackhawks- specifically Patrick Sharp (cannot wait for the playoff beard!), Adam Burrish and Brent Seabrook.)

    Cool survey topic! Good luck in your quest to find a tv soulmate!

  4. Yours was not a shabby showing at all, Sam! And same wavelength indeed: Patrick Sharp is MY fave Blackhawk too!

  5. I just counted and I am over 40 shows. Dang.

  6. I think it's the playoff beard. Or the steely green/gray gaze. Or the sharply (haha) defined jawline. Or the eyebrows *I do love me a nice set of eyebrows*. Or the timely goals. (he's a fantasy hockey stud.) Or maybe all of the above.. I love me some Sharpie.

  7. Anonymous, good for you! You get a thumbs up from Blog.

  8. Diane, do shows that my luvvy-hubby watches count? Because our place is so small, what he watches I watch, too (or at least listen to, as with "Bones" right now).

  9. I only checked the ones I watch regularly ~ some listed I watch occasionally but guess I'm not "the one." Not to say that I don't watch enough TV cause I've got tons you don't have listed!

  10. Jennie, I do that too with a slew of Davie's shows (he watches maybe a dozen more that I don't). Barb, I think more people should do TV surveys for themselves, especially those of us who have lots of shows and are bound to overlap everyone!
