March 27, 2010

Getting to know my iPod, “Ipo”

Dear Blog, I’d like to introduce you and our readers to Ipo, the device that made it possible for me to catch up to the 21st Century. Why does he have this name? Because when I set up iTunes, I didn’t realize the character limit on the device name and it was truncated to “DIANA’S IPO.” Yeah, sometimes it’s just fate. Although in all caps, my iPod seems like a big investment. Ayo!

So, Blog...what took me so long, me who in recent years has acquired a PC (Gaiman), an iPaq (Paqi), a digital camera, an HD radio, a netbook (Coraline), an XM radio, and a Blackberry (’Berry)? And wait a tick; I know the radios were integral parts of my cars Tiny and Racer Y so did not receive names, but why haven’t I named my camera? Huh.

Well, my reasons for resisting the iPod ran like this:

1. I have XM radio, which I can rock in the car, online, or anywhere I want on my XM boombox. Except in the workout room and the kitchen, where the reception is messed up.

2. I did not want to spend the time it would take to rip all my CDs.

3. I am cheap.

Nevertheless, I began to think I should consider an iPod, because of these reasons:

1. It would be great in the workout room and the kitchen.

2. Going with updated technology is usually my modus operandi.

3. How super would it be when I buy an mp3 online not to have to burn it to CD to make it portable?

Then Ipo came on the scene, a one year old 4G Nano for sale by a co-worker’s daughter. A good deal, no shipping, plus I could help out a resourceful girl who saved enough from babysitting to upgrade to an iTouch. It was time to make the move.

I got me a super fab speaker as well as a cable that also works to attach Ipo to Racer Y’s audio system, for a mere 20 bucks! Soooweet, Blog!

So I started ripping away, and after realizing I needed to lower the quality setting or I’d fill up Ipo WAY too quickly, everything went smoothly. As of this writing (and I admit it was a couple days ago, but roll with it) I’m now through my stack of unfiled recent CDs as well as A-F of the older alphabetized ones. That’s like one-quarter of our collection.

Alas, 8GB Ipo is already one-third full.

At first I found this very disheartening, Blog. I was really hoping I could fit all the good music I owned on Ipo. Meaning ripping one track from Deadeye Dick (“New Age Girl”) but every track of “The Lion King.” And now it was clear I was going to have to be more discerning and rip only a portion of my vast collection of Fountains of Wayne. Major bummer!

But then I had a mental breakthrough. It was time not to look at Ipo as the digital cabinet for my music collection, and instead regard him as a Really Big Mix Tape. 1,200 songs (my current estimate) is not a good music collection. But it will be a tremendous Mix Tape.

So, only songs I really love are going to make the cut. That means, for example, just because I love the way Gordon Gano says “I hope you know this will go down on your permanent record” in The Violent Femmes’ “Kiss Off” is not good enough to get it on Ipo. The result of this heightened discernment will be this:

Every time a new song starts to play on Ipo, I will say, “OMG I love this song!”

Which, Blog, is awesome!

Okay, so, I did my first basement workout to Ipo and these are the songs that came up:
  • Broadway: “You Walk with Me” from “The Full Monty,” by Jason Danieley (OMG I love that song!)
  • Rock: “Days Like These” by Asia (OMG I love that song!)
  • Classic Alternative: “Knife Edge” by The Alarm (OMG I love that song!)
  • Flamenco: “Early on Tuesday” by Jesse Cook with Danny Wilde (OMG I love that song!)
  • Jazz: “Take Him Back, Rachel” by Basia (OMG I love that song!)

Yes, Blog, it works! And these are only the A through F’s!

So, that problem is solved, and after another 8 to 10 hours of ripping I will have a Really Big Mix Tape.

However, I am now concerned about the fact that I don’t have a name for my camera. Ideas anyone?


  1. Just found you through Jen's blog. Now on my "to do" list is to find and read your books and to check out the music selections. In all the THOUSANDS of cd's I have stored on Itunes ~ none of these are there. I am always on the look out for something new (to me) and interesting. Thanks... Now back to checking out the rest of your posts...

  2. I have a gift for the obscure and random, Barb, as you will find on the rest of my posts! LOL I do hope you'll find a book or two of mine that interests you! So glad to have a new fan for the blog. :-D

  3. I still have an old boom box on my desk at work! I am really not with it technically! LOL!

  4. Anne, as you can see I'm a convert. Has something to do with my music addiction, I'm sure!

  5. I still have a boom box on my desk, too. No iPods, netbooks, or cool cell phones. I am beyond needing to catch up. BTW, love that song by Asia too.

  6. I'm a closet Asia fan. Davie says they were uncool almost immediately after forming...I think they are irrevocably cool!

  7. I am trying a second time to leave you my comment. Hope I get through this time. What it was:

    No one seems to have made a suggestion for naming your still-annonamous camera. So here goes: "Twinkster." Couple of others: "Snoopy"... "Blinky"... "ICU"

  8. YOU DID IT! Yay Dad! And not only that, I think "ICU" is a winner! Awesome.

  9. ICU!! Ohhh Grandpa, too adorable! Anyway, mom I should've let you know the average number of songs that would fit on Ipo before you started ripping! (1600ish??) Oh well. Yeah you can't exactly fit your ENTIRE collection, but quite a bit. I used to struggle with my 2GB first gen (400 songs eek!) but now my 8GB isn't even remotely full (mostly because I'm sick of my music hahaha!) I'm so glad you're loving it though YAY!!

  10. I still have like 1.5GB of room left after putting on the 1200 songs, which is good. I still have a ton of Christmas music to put in eventually (although that can be on there seasonally). But I'll still have room for more new stuff as I get it, and the occasional podcast too! I can't wait to make having Ipo part of my lifestyle.
