July 7, 2010

Mums, buttons, Japan...random

Blog, I got in some hot water with the Randometer for yesterday's post.  Just not random enough to qualify, to his way of thinking.  So I am determined to please him today by bringing up the three randomest things I can think of.


In my blog perusals this morning I came upon a post in The Artful Crafter about homecoming mums.  It seems unbeknownst to me, there is this tradition in certain parts of the southern U.S.  In these places, homecoming mums are not the simple flowers we wore for that occasion when I was in high school.  No, they are homemade extravaganzas contrived of pompoms, ribbons, stuffed animals, etc. that to me resemble what would happen if you ate a Michaels store too fast and regurgitated a sort of crafty-hairball.  As you can see in the photo, Blog, these dealies are not tasteful nor even especially wearable.  They certainly must outweigh one's homecoming dress. 

I found this page from back in 2007 when moms in Plano, Texas were selling homecoming mums, and being the high-tech sort of Texans, made themselves a web page to advertise their wares.  "Buy your mums and garters from the Planoettes’ Bootbackers Booster Club Mum Moms in the school cafe during lunch," reads the ad.  I dare you to say that three times fast, Blog.  It also instructs "Look for the Mum Moms!"  This is all out of the realm of my Wisconsin experience, but I'm guessing the "Mum Moms" would be easy to spot.  Readers who have indulged in this tradition, do share.  I need firsthand comfirmation this is really happening.  And that the boys wear them too (?).


Readers recall when I determined to invent a new word and see that it became famous.  Well, I can't say that bizarradore has hit the big time yet.  Never you fear though, Blog...last night Davie and I came up with another idea to try.

We were watching "Colorsplash" with David Bromstad on HGTV.  At the same time, we both thought David had referred to some whimsical decor item as "button."  As in, "Ooh, that's button!"  We're both pretty sure he actually said "fun," but felt strongly that "button" would have been more fun.  So now we're trying to see if we can get button to catch on.

There are not degrees of button, so you can't say "that's totally button."  There's no opposite of button either, so you can't say, "that is so not button."  You CAN simply say, "That's button," or "I think you're button," or "This cake is button."

Think middle-class, white, middle-aged translation of the slang term "buck," and you should do fine with it.  And if we can get the rappers and krumpers to use the term "button," well...that would be button.


Davie found this video the other day on the website WTF Japan Seriously.  First of all, what could be more random than a website called "WTF Japan Seriously"?  Random, and yet justified, if you have been exposed at all to the insanity that is Japanese game shows.  Anyway, this one really takes the cake.  It is rated for mature audiences not because it's truly racy, but because the point of the game show, apparently, is to "not ram the boobs."  I mean that so very literally.  If you don't believe me, watch.

Blog, I can confirm that that just sent Randometer off the chart.  Thank you, Japan.  You have outdone Texas, and for that we say, you're button.


  1. ROFLOR - that's rolling on floor laughing out roud. A definite button post.

    Now 'fess up - if you never heard of homecoming mums before, where did you come up with the gorgeous specimen on such short n0tice?

  2. "Out roud," also random! LOL Oh, I am not the one responsible for that, ahem, remarkable homecoming mum in the pic, Eileen...that was ganked from the interwebs. I'm not even going to attempt making one of those. I picture myself standing over a wad of ribbon and fru-fru, crying "It's alive! It's alive!"

  3. I grew up in South East Texas and went to a consolidated school district pre-k - 12th grade. Believe me, mums are a HUGE deal. Outrageous as it seems, it's normal here. The girl and mother usually make the mum and garter together, or have it made at a craft store. The girls find it similar to getting the prettiest prom dress; it is very much a competition to have the most decorated and outlandish mum. The male half wears a smaller matching garter wish fewer bells and whistles, although most guys find wearing them slightly annoying. Hope this helps!

  4. Very informative, Jentley! It's fascinating to think that something that seems so weird to the Wisconsin eye is commonplace to another part of the country. And considering this post has gotten more views than the rest of my blog combined, I believe you! :-)

  5. Here in Texas is where the homecoming mum was created. (A Texas sized corsage) Yes, they are huge and yes, the boys where the garters on their arms. I have worked in a flower shop here in Texas for 22 years. Most students have more than one mum or garter, as friends give to friends. They wear them to school the day of homecoming and to the game that night (always on a Friday). Then, Saturday is the homecoming dance where they wear corsages and boutonnieres to the dance. In Texas we take our football and homecoming very seriously.
